Pre-treatment care for mesotherapy (nonsurgical fat reduction) is
essential in order to ensure maximum benefits from this procedure.
It is important to avoid sun exposure for 24 hours after treatment as well as applying ice packs if necessary to reduce any potential swelling or bruising.
Drinking plenty of water afterwards and resting can also be beneficial in speeding up the recovery process. Additionally, it is recommended to continue with regular diet and exercise routines in order to maintain desired results.
Avoiding ibuprofen or aspirin use after treatment may also help minimize potential side effects associated with using needles or having contact with bodily fluids.
Consulting with one’s doctor before taking additional supplements orally until substances used during infusion have left one’s system is also essential as certain medications may interfere with the effects of mesotherapy treatments.
Lastly, individuals should be aware that Mesotherapy should not replace proper nutrition or exercise and that long term improvements come from repeated treatments over time in order to experience optimal outcomes.
Post-treatment care for mesotherapy (nonsurgical fat reduction) is essential in order to maintain desired results and minimize potential side effects.

By following the pre and post-treatment care guidelines outlined above, mesotherapy can be an effective way to reduce stubborn pockets of fat without having to resort to surgery or other invasive procedures
Mesotherapy is a great choice for those looking to reduce fat and improve skin tone without undergoing surgery. It is a minimally invasive procedure that can be used to permanently reduce fat from specific areas of the body, as well as improve skin tone, texture and elasticity. It is also much less painful than other treatments like liposuction and requires no recovery time since it does not involve any surgical incisions. Additionally, this procedure can produce results in a shorter period of time when compared to other methods like dieting and exercise which rely solely on lifestyle changes.